Create NAT Gateway

Create NAT Gateway

  1. Next, we create NAT Gateway to help our private instances connect to the Internet. First, choose NAT Gateways in current dashboard and choose Create NAT gateway ConnectPrivate
  2. Configure NAT Gateway
  • Name: workshop-natgw-01
  • Subnet: public-subnet-01
  • Connectivity type: Public
  • We also need to create a new Elastic IP Address for our NAT Gateway. Choose Allocate Elastic IP ConnectPrivate
  • Finish the configuration by choosing Create NAT Gateway ConnectPrivate
  1. Next, we attach the IGW to our VPC. Choose Actions and Attach to VPC ConnectPrivate
  • Available VPCs: my-workshop-01
  • Choose Attach internet gatewat ConnectPrivate
  1. Finish creating IGW ConnectPrivate